What is the purpose that drives me out of bed every morning?Of course, I did know my answer very clearly. But I do remember there was a period of time in my life that I had lived without a purpose. I was merely hanging on to my life because there was nothing to take it away from me and that my heart was still beating. In other words, I have been through times where I had lived without any purpose, and times like now where everyday of my life is full of purpose.
Your answer to the question above tells you a lot about yourself and where are you heading to. Some may say:
"Huh? Never thought about it wor."
"Need reason one meh? That's just something natural to do wor. That's part of life ma, right?"
"Aiya, if I wake up today, I live another day loh."
"To get to office on time lah. So that I won't be late loh."
"Wah, every morning when I wake up ar, there are so many things I need to do loh. I need to take the kids to school lah. I need to go to the market la. I need to go to the post office to settle some bills lah. I need to rush home to cook lah, so that I won't miss my favourite drama series...."Whatever your answer is, just ask yourself, are you satisfied with your answer?
If you're satisfied with your answer, carry on. You're definitely on track for what you're looking for.
If you're not satisfied with your answer, obviously you need start thinking and doing something different.
Introducing to you...
Principle #2 - Be Clear Why You're Here
Quoting some of the most impactful remarks made by Jack Canfield in this chapter:
I believe each of us is born with a life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging, and honouring this purpose is perhaps the most important action successful people take They take time to understand what they're here to do - and then they pursue that with passion and enthusiasm.
Purpose can bring an aspect of fun and fulfillment to virtually everything I do.
Without a purpose in life, it's easy to get side-tracked on your life's journey. But with a purpose, everything in life seems to fall into place. To be "on purpose" means you're doing what you love to do, doing what you're good at and accomplishing what's important to you. When you are truly on purpose, the people, resources and opportunities you need naturally gravitate towards you. The world benefits, too, because when you act in alignment with your true life purpose, all of your actions automatically serve others.
Everything you do should be an expression of your purpose. If an activity doesn't fit that formula, you wouldn't work on it. Period.
You were born with an inner guidance system that tells you when you are on or off purpose by the amount of joy you are experiencing. The things that bring you the greatest joy are in alignment with your purpose.I urge you to find your dreams and discover your life purpose. Reading this book really helps a lot. I sincerely would like to see everyone around me happily living their lives on purpose.
My purpose is to use my passion in learning and leadership skills to inspire and lead others to achieve their fullest potential in life and live the lives of their dreams with their families and loved ones!
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