Friday, 14 December 2012

Does Music Give Phelps An Unfair Advantage?

I recalled that I had once read this article shared by a successful motivation speaker, titled "Does music give Phelps an unfair advantage?"

You can read it here:

Here are some excerpts from the article:
Did you notice that Michael Phelps wears earphones and is listening to music just before his every Olympic start, at Beijing’s Olympiad Water Cube pool deck, be it finals or semifinals? I first noticed that before his first gold swim on August 10: Phelps removed earphones 2 minutes before the start, and he was the only swimmer who worn earphones at the pool deck. Intriguing scientific evidence testifies: Listening to music improves blood oxygen capacity and is a performance enhancement.
Dr. Koelsch says that "music can have influences on the breathing rate (e.g. via emotional effects such an increased arousal) which will alter oxygen levels in the blood, or relaxing effects (so that fewer muscles consume oxygen, which also increases oxygen levels)."
Do you have any particular music or song which turns you on every time you listen to it?

Here's one of my favourites.  :)

No Boundaries ~ Adam Lambert

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