My Resolutions @ 2014

Updated 6/2/2014

I have a burning desire to commit myself to the on-going process of achieving the following items for Year 2014:
  1. Blog: Post 365 new blog articles or more by 31 December 2014.
    • Performance: B
  2. Blog: Achieve a total pageviews of 24,000 by 31 December 2014.
    • Performance: B
  3. Books: Complete reading 26 books or more by 31 December 2014.
    • Performance: O
  4. Business: Develop a sizeable asset of RM700,000 or more in annual turnover by 31 December 2014.
    • Performance: B
  5. Charity: Donate 10% of my business income or more to charity every month throughout 2014.
    • Performance: O
  6. Charity: Participate in blood donation once every 3 months throughout 2014.
    • Performance: 
  7. Finance: Dedicate my total income to Financial Freedom (10%), Play (10%), Long-term Savings for Spending (10%), Education (10%), Necessities (50%), and Giving (10%) every month throughout 2014. 
    • Performance: B
  8. Health: Complete at least 3 sessions of 60-minute exercise every week from now till 31 December 2014.
    • Performance: O
  9. Health: Complete a full marathon in less than 6 hours by 31 December 2014.
    • Performance: 
  10. Religion: Perform Buddhist Dana at least once every month throughout 2014.
    • Performance: O
  11. Toastmasters: Complete my High Performance Leadership project and submit my application for Advanced Leader Silver award by 31 May 2014.
    • Performance: Done
  12. Toastmasters: Submit my application for Distinguished Toastmasters award by 30 June 2014.
    • Performance: Done

Monthly performance indicators:
  • B - Behind plan
  • O - On plan
  • E - Exceeded plan

May all of you be my kind witness in encouraging and keeping me focus with my resolutions for the year!