Wednesday 26 March 2014

Lack of Ability or Self Sabotage?

I stumbled on this article, which interestingly started with the following statement:
"I have mentored, counseled, encouraged, discouraged, hired and fired hundreds of people over the past 25 years. Oftentimes failure is less about a lack of talent or ability, and more about self sabotage. These are frequent road blocks I see in people, myself included." ~ Tim Hoch

I agreed 100% to the statement. If you, too, agree with this statement, then you may want to read the article at the following link:

Article: 12 Things You Are Doing To Sabotage Your Future

This article reminds me of what I need to be doing/remembering consistently now in order to have a better future:

  1. Get uncomfortable. Get moving.
  2. Strictly no meaningless games for me. (No offense. I have a different yardstick for the definition of "meaning".)
  3. Associate with the right group of people. (People with common goals and work ethics.)
  4. Accept rejection as being "difference in opinion or priorities".
  5. Hang on no matter what.
  6. Strictly no more complaining.
  7. Don't care what others think of me. (Most likely they are not even thinking of me.)
  8. Listen to people who care for your success. (Opinions are cheap. Right advice is priceless.)
  9. Everything changes. There is no perfect landing.
  10. Be honest with myself.
  11. My past is not my future.
  12. Mind my own business. Everyone has his own destiny.

I hope you're feeling the same motivation and inspiration after reading the article.

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