Monday 31 March 2014

Lost That Fat

I found this article from The Star which highlights the critical concerns on obesity.

Title: Lose that fat

What you might want to find out first is whether you are obese.

Here are several ways to help you find out:

  1. Body Mass Index (BMI):
    • This is the most common way. You calculate your BMI by measuring body weight (kg)/height (m2).
    • This is how to interpret your BMI:
      • Less than 18.5: Underweight 
      • 18.5-24.9: Healthy weight (congratulations!) 
      • 25-29.9: Overweight 
      • 30-34.9: Obesity 1 
      • 35-39.9: Obesity II 
      • More than 40: Obesity IIIS
  2. Skin fold thickness:
    • This entails using a caliper to grasp your skin and measure the amount of subcutaneous fat you have.
    • This is primarily to determine your amount of body fat. This has been superseded by some machines, which can be found in gyms.
  3. Waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio:
    • If you have a waist circumference of more than 94cm for men and 80cm for women, you have an increased risk of health problems.

If you're overweight or obese, please make sure you read through the full article to find out more.

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