Sunday 9 December 2012

How Did Babylon Become the Wealthiest City in the World?

Here's an excerpt from Chapter 3 of "The Richest Man in Babylon" which made me dreamed of one day having the same for our nation.
"Arkad," spoke the King, "is it true thou art the richest man in Babylon?"
"So it is reported, your majesty, and no man disputes it."
"How becamest thou so wealthy?"
"By taking advantage of opportunities available to all citizens of our good city."
"Thou hadst nothing to start with?"
"Only a great desire for wealth. Besides this, nothing."
"Arkad," continued the King, "our city is in a very unhappy state because a few men know how to acquire wealth and therefore monopolize it, while the mass of our citizens lack the knowledge of how to keep any part of the gold they receive."
"It is my desire that Babylon be the wealthiest city in the world. Therefore, it must be a city of many wealthy men. Therefore, we must teach all the people how to acquire riches. Tell me, Arkad, is there any secret to acquiring wealth? Can it be taught?"
"It is practical, your majesty. That which one man knows can be taught to others."
And the rest they say, is history.

We may not have a king or a government who thinks like King Sargon of ancient Babylon, but we do have many Arkads out there who are willing to teach and mentor people how to amass wealth for themselves. You just need to know where to find them. You just need to listen to and trust them. You just need to learn how to work with them, instead of against them.

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