Wednesday 26 December 2012

How to Read Your Future?

Would you like to read your future? Of course the answer is yes. But the problem is HOW?

For so many centuries and decades, humans have resorted to a multitude of different ways in trying to predict the future. Tarot cards, crystal ball, Nostradamus, Bazi and many more, you name it. But most of the times, humans have ended up doing things the other way round instead. It is only when something has happened that people would get to correlate the event with some scriptures from the past. For instance, the correlation between 911 and Nostradamus.

So, can we really read our future? I personally believe that yes, we can. In fact it has already been proven. Whenever we READ something, we are actually reading OUR OWN future.

Huh? Here's the simple logic. Our very own world comes from our knowledge, and a major part of our knowledge actually comes from what we READ. Without knowing, most of us are actually READING OUR FUTURE almost everyday.

Recently, I have just finished reading "The Richest Man in Babylon", and I am so astonished by the things that I have read in this book. For your information, this book was written by George S. Clason in year 1926. If you have read some of my previous posts in this blog, you would have noticed that things such as the "seven cures for a lean purse" and the "five laws of gold" are common teaching preached by most of our modern day financial gurus.

Who would have thought that something which was written 86 years ago could have such a huge impact on our lives today? And who would have thought that something carved onto some clay tablets a few thousand years ago in Babylon would one day be re-written in modern English, and become the foundation of modern financial thinking?

Having said this, whatever that we READ today is going to form our thinking, and our thinking put into action is going to form the REALITY tomorrow. Instead of PREDICTING our future, we are indeed CREATING our future. Imagine you're looking at a person reading a book today, and you know what the contents of the book is all about, wouldn't you be able to sort of predict the thought process going through in this person's mind? Wouldn't you be able to predict how this person is going to react to certain circumstances which relate to the contents of the book?

Put this into our own context, we are actually READING OUR FUTURE by the books that we read today.

Look at the things in your present. Are these things what you had wanted as a future five years ago? If not, most likely you're not reading the books that would help you create the reality that you wished for.   Just like the saying goes, "YOU ARE WHAT YOU READ."   Choose wisely.  :)  
The eons of time have crumbled to dust the proud walls of its temples, but the wisdom of Babylon endures.
~ George S. Clason, author of "The Richest Man in Babylon"


  1. I totally love your post! Here's a few more quotes that support your current topic. :)

    "It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it." ~ Oscar Wilde

    “Five years from today, you will be the same person that you are today, except for the books you read and the people you meet.” ~ Charlie 'Tremendous' Jones

    "There are essentially two things that will make you wise -- the books you read and the people you meet." ~ Jack Cranfield

    "It isn't what the book costs; it's what it will cost if you don't read it. Some people read so little, they have rickets of the mind!" ~ Jim Rohn

    Frm Joy

  2. Thanks for the enlightening quotes, Ethan & Joy.
    Definitely added some "power" to this topic :)
