Tuesday 4 December 2012

How Do You Catch A Monkey?

Here is an excerpt from Robert T. Kiyosaki's book "Unfair Advantage - The Power of Financial Education", which says:
"Natives of Africa and Asia have used this technique to catch monkeys for thousands of years: The hunter finds a tree with a small hole in the treetrunk and places fruits or nuts inside the hole. A monkey comes along, puts their fist in the hole and grabs onto the fruit or the nuts. The monkey’sfist, now clenched and filled with the fruit or nuts, cannot be withdrawn from the hole, trapping the monkey. Rather than let go of the fruits or nuts, themonkey twists and turns, pulls and tugs, but refuses to let go. The native returns, and at their leisure, kills or captures the monkey.
Humans are similar to monkeys. Rather than cling to fruits or nuts, humans cling to job security, their possessions, and money. Due to a lack of financial education, like the trapped monkey, most people will spend their lives as wage slaves of their employers and tax slaves of the government.
By 2010, most people knew there was a global financial crisis. Unfortunately, most people do not know what to do about it. Rather than let go, mostpeople clench their fists tighter and wait for the crisis to pass, praying that their political leaders can solve this global crisis and that happy days willreturn.
A few know they must make changes. Yet without a strong financial education, they do not know what to do or how to change."
Would you choose to continue being like a monkey - trapped?

Or would you rather choose to start getting educated and break free?

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