Tuesday 18 December 2012

What Does Your Soul Tell of You?

Do you have the soul of a slave? Or the soul of a free man?

I read this inspiring story about one camel trader in Babylon, who was once a slave, but found the determination to worked his way out of his debts and became a rich camel trader.

It starts with the mind. If one sees the image of himself as a free man, then he is going to be a free man no matter what.
"How can you call yourself a free man when your weakness has brought you to this? If a man has in himself the soul of a slave will he not become one no matter what his birth, even as water seeks its level? If a man has within him the soul of a free man, will he not become respected and honored in his own city in spite of his own misfortune?"
Then it goes on to say that one must set himself apart from the people that he doesn't intend to be.
For over a year I was a slave and lived with the slaves, but I could not become as one of them. One day Sira asked me, "In the eventime when the other slaves can mingle and enjoy the society of each other, why dost thou sit in thy tent alone?"
To which I responded, "I am pondering what you have said to me. I wonder if I have the soul of a slave. I cannot join them, so I must sit apart."
But it all comes down to one's determination to get through his challenges along the way of setting himself free from the bondage of his old self image.
I looked across into the uninviting distance and once again came to me the question, "Have I the soul of a slave or the soul of a free man?" Then with clearness I realized that if I had the soul of a slave, I should give up, lie down in the desert and die, a fitting end for a runaway slave.
But if I had the soul of a free man, what then? Surely I would force my way back to Babylon, repay the people who had trusted me, bring happiness to my wife who truly loved me and bring peace and contentment to my parents.
And sometimes it just requires a little bit of faith on one's part to realize the one truth which has led men of all ages out of difficulties and into success.
If you truly believe and see yourself as being financially free one day in the future, if you start setting yourselves apart from your old self, if your efforts and determination are strong and sincere, your faith will surely be repaid eventually.  :)

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