Tuesday 11 December 2012

Meet The Goddess of Good Luck

I have once heard this saying: Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. So, is there a way to attract good luck?

In this chapter, the people of Babylon had once gathered at the Temple of Learning to discuss how they can be favoured by the whimsical Goddess of Good Luck. These are the words that caught my attention the most:
To me she is a goddess of love and dignity whose pleasure is to aid those who are in need and to reward those who are deserving. I look to find her, not at the gaming tables or the races where men lose more gold than they win but in other places where the doings of men are more worthwhile and more worthy of reward.
Good luck waits to come to that man who accepts opportunity.
Procrastinator...he accepts not opportunity when she comes. He waits. He says I have much business right now. Bye and bye I talk to you. Opportunity, she will not wait for such slow fellow. She thinks if a man desires to be lucky he will step quick. Any men who not step quick when opportunity comes, he big procrastinator...
The spirit of procrastination is within all men. We desire riches; yet, how often when opportunity doth appear before us, that spirit of procrastination from within doth urge various delays in our acceptance. In listening to it we do become our own worst enemies.
The truth is this: Good luck can be enticed by accepting opportunity.
Those eager to grasp opportunities for their betterment, do attract the interest of the good goddess. She is ever anxious to aid those who please her. Men of action please her best.


Just as a gambler's saying - to be able to strike lottery, first you must by your lottery ticket.

P/S: No, I'm not endorsing any forms of gambling.  :)

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