Thursday 14 March 2013

What is Your Leadership DNA?

What would you like to pass on to your next generation in terms of leadership qualities?

Just like our body's DNA, our leadership qualities can also be passed on to our next generation of leaders.


In this article published by The Nexgen Group, these are the 3 elements of every leader's character DNA:
  • D efining Experiences
    • The key moments and turning points of our life which shape our character and shift our view of life.
  • N on-negotiable Values
    • The things that you admire about the people you admire, the character traits that you cannot tolerate, the words that you hope people would use to describe you.
  • A xioms for Living and Leading
    • The principle or core truth which forms the basis for your decision or actions.
Your leadership DNA is your most important legacy you can leave behind for your next generation of leaders in your organization, or even family.

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