Friday 22 March 2013

Damaging Parenting Styles

It is important to know that sometimes what we do to/for our Generation iY children may not be good for them.

Here are 8 damaging parenting styles which this book has highlighted:
  1. Helicopter Parents
    • They hover over their kids obsessively, controlling everything their children do.
    • Their kids are not allowed the privilege of learning to fail and persevere.
  2. Karaoke Parents
    • They try too hard to be cool in order to impress and be buddies to their children.
    • Their kids are not given clear parameters that build security and self-esteem.
  3. Dry-Cleaner Parents
    • They drop their kids off for others to raise.
    • Their kids don't get the mentoring and personal face-to-face time that they need.
  4. Volcano Parents
    • They will write papers and do homework for their children, then storm into the school office when the child gets a poor grade.
    • They have unrealized dreams from their past, and try to fulfill them through their children.
  5. Dropout Parents
    • They let their kids down by quitting on the effort to raise their kids.
    • They fail to provide a healthy role model of finishing what they start.
  6. Bullied Parents
    • They can't stand up to their kids.
    • They lack the courage and strength to lead their strong-willed children and prepare them for a potentially harsh adult world.
  7. Groupie Parents
    • They treat their kids like rock stars.
    • They fail to realize that kids need leaders, not servants.
  8. Commando Parents
    • They offer more rules than relationship to their kids.
    • They are focused on attaining compliance and perfection instead of growth and improvement.

Do understand that these parenting styles are not doing the children any good. It's never too late to change. Be a leader to your children, find out what they want to be, and provide them mentoring in realizing their potential.

Your children deserve the same childhood that you have been through, which had actually groomed you to become who you are today.

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