Tuesday 12 March 2013

Are You Matured?

I read an interesting section in this book, which talks about "The Marks of Maturity", and it can be helpful in focusing our efforts to help adolescents move into adulthood.

The Marks of Maturity
  1. A mature person is able to keep long-term commitments.
    • This calls for the ability to delay gratification, and to keep commitment even when things are no longer new or novel.
  2. A mature person is unshaken by flattery or criticism.
    • Mature people can receive compliments or criticism without letting it ruin them or give them a distorted view of themselves.
  3. A mature person possesses a spirit of humility.
    • Humility isn't thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.
  4. A mature person's decisions are based on character, not feelings.
    • They have principles which guide their decisions, and character which master over their emotions.
  5. A mature person expresses gratitude consistently.
    • Immature children presume they deserve everything good that happens to them, while mature people see the big picture and realize how good they have it, compared to the most of the world's population.
  6. A mature person knows how to prioritize others before themselves.
    • A mature person is one whose agenda revolves around others, not self.
  7. A mature person seeks wisdom before acting.
    • Mature people are teachable. They don't presume they have all the answers. Only the wise seek wisdom.
Reading the list above reminds me of the areas which I have not matured yet even though I stake my claim as being an adult.  :)

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