Wednesday 6 March 2013

It's All About Others

Here is the first of the 3 principles about connecting which can be applied in many aspects of our life:

Connecting is all about OTHERS.

John Maxwell Leadership ( Pt 1 ) How To Connect With People

Some powerful quotes from this video:
If you first help people get what they want, they will then help you get everything that you want.
You have to go find people at where they are, and help them go to the top together.
Leaders never cross the finish line first; people who cross the finish line first are alone; leaders bring along people when they cross the finish line.
Immature people don't think of other people first.
Maturity doesn't always accompany age; many times age comes alone.
Leaders understand that the day they take up the mantle of leadership, they give up the right to think of themselves first, and no longer they will live for themselves.
Leadership is servanthood - it's not about titles.
There is nothing worse in the world than an insecure leader who somehow thinks that the world should worship him.
Brilliantly John Maxwell  :)

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