Wednesday 22 January 2014

The 6 Personal Emotions

Quite some time ago I had the opportunity to learn from Keith Abraham live at a seminar, covering topics like passion, purpose, and goals.

One of the topics which I find very interesting to share is "the 6 personal emotions". See if you can identify which of the following applies to you.

#1 - Lost

  • Description
    • You're caught in a situation where you don't know where you come from, where you're at, and where you're heading for the future.
  • Solution
    • You need to DECIDE.
    • Toughen up and get rid of your fear of failure, fear of success, and fear of change.
#2 - Frustrated
  • Description
    • You're frustrated because you don't know what you want.
  • Solution
    • You need to look at the OPPOSITE.
    • Find out what are the things that you don't want, turn to the opposite and rephrase them as what you want.
#3 - Confused
  • Description
    • You have no idea how to get to where you want to be, where to start, and you don't have a mentor to guide you.
  • Solution
    • You need to DESIGN your life.
    • Get help from a mentor to design a plan.
#4 - Unclear
  • Description
    • There are too many things that you want, but all of them are not clear.
  • Solution
    • Look into your HEART for answer.
    • Success follows your heart.
#5 - Unsatisfied
  • Description
    • You have achieved things, yet you don't feel fulfilled.
  • Solution
    • Create a personal MANIFESTO.
    • You need to get a bigger reason to do something, a reason bigger than yourself.
#6 - Certain
  • Description
    • You know what you want and where you're heading to.
  • Solution
    • You just need to FOCUS.
    • You need to avoid from getting distracted by circumstances.

Can you identify yourself with any of the above categories?

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