Friday 3 January 2014

A Review of All the Books I Have Read in 2013

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For those of you who plan to pick up reading this year, but have no idea where to start, here is a list of books which I have finished reading over the past year, together with some brief information about the books.

Hope this helps.

Category: Fiction / Leadership
About: To be a great leader, one must G.R.O.W.
Why it's good: This is the book which inspired me start writing in this blog.

Category: Non-fiction / Personal Finance / Business
About: The financial and business insights of two highly successful business gurus.
Why it's good: The words from Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki.

Category: Fiction / Personal Finance
About: Success secrets of the riches during the ancient civilization of Babylon.
Why it's good: Timeless principles of wealth which formed the basis of modern finance.

Category: Non-fiction / Spiritual / Self-help
About: The magical power of mindful gratitude.
Why it's good: Highly recommended book for those who need a spiritual boost during down times, a personal life-saver.

Category: Non-fiction / Personal Finance
About: Gresham's Law of Money, 8 symptoms of bad money economics
Why it's good: Impressive, eye-opening facts and figures which are deliberately concealed by most economists.

Category: Non-fiction / Motivation / Self-help
About: The 25 principles of success in life.
Why it's good: By Jack Canfield, one of the greatest and most inspiring teachers of success.

Category: Non-fiction / Communication / Behavioural Science
About: The characteristics and behaviour of the Generation iY.
Why it's good: Learn how to deal with the most misunderstood generation who will dictate the future.

Category: Non-fiction / Self-help / Behavioural Science
About: Reprogramming the mind for success.
Why it's good: Powerful techniques derived from solid neuroscientific studies.

Category: Non-fiction / Leadership
About: The difference between leaders who lead and those who merely manage.
Why it's good: A good reminder that you don't need a title to be a leader.

Category: Non-fiction / Leadership
About: The 5 levels of leadership.
Why it's good: By John Maxwell, one of the greatest teachers of universal leadership principles.

Category: Fiction / Motivation
About: The 10 secret scrolls of success in the marketplace.
Why it's good: The ultimate secret of learning illustrated in the 1st scroll.

Category: Fiction / Spiritual / Inspiration
About: The meaning of time.
Why it's good: Enlightening, deeply touching story.

Category: Non-fiction / Personal Finance / Motivation
About: 17 ways rich people think and act differently from poor and middle-class people.
Why it's good: Paradigm-shifting, easily read and understood, simply applicable even for a novice.

Category: Non-fiction / Business / Marketing
About: The 21 keys to success in referral marketing.
Why it's good: Time-tested and proven principles, not merely theoretical point of views.

Category: Non-fiction / Self-help / Motivation
About: Making split second choice with the right attitude to break away from a negative cycle and move into a positive cycle.
Why it's good: Can be easily related to our personal experience of being in a negative or positive cycle. 

There are a few more books which I haven't finished reading in 2013, and will continue to read in 2014. Stay tuned  :)


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