Tuesday 14 January 2014

"Kangkung" the Superfood

In the midst of this "kangkung craze" created by the beloved PM of our country (see "Cultural reference"), I made a search for "kangkung" on Google and found some amazing facts about this food.

A fellow blogger referred to "kangkung" a.k.a. water spinach as a "superfood"...
Article: "Superfoods you don’t know: water spinach"
Link: http://johnswannack.com/superfoods-you-dont-know-water-spinach/

While there's a website called "Nutrition Rank" which rated the water spinach as a "good food" for its nutritional values. By the way, this website is really cool!
Link: http://www.nutritionrank.com/calories-water-spinach-415826

While I personally think that the PM's "endorsement" of the water spinach was merely a political "spin" instead of an intention based on nutritional facts, I somehow have to thank him for bringing up this topic and lead me to find out more about this unsung "superfood" that grows in abundance in our country.

I guess the message is right -- let's eat more kangkung!  :)

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