Wednesday 22 January 2014

How to Stay Healthy

Would you like to know how you can stay healthy by eating the right food?

Continuing my research on health related topics, here's a documentary by BBC which explores the effects of certain food to our health.

#1 - Things you need to know about cholesterol health
  • Cholesterol is produced naturally by the liver, and released into the blood to be transported all over the body to build healthy cells.
  • There are good and bad cholesterol. Diets too high in saturated fat will increase the amount of bad cholesterol, which can stick to the walls of arteries and cause blockage, thus resulting in cardiovascular diseases.
#2 - Things you need to know about your gut health
  • Foods high in fibre helps to reduce the transit time of waste through our digestive system.
  • The intestinal walls squeeze and push any food that are not absorbed through our digestive system all the way to the anus. The squeezing slows down if there is insufficient fibre in our diet.
  • Potentially toxic substances need to be passed out from the body before they cause any harm to our body, such as bowel cancer.
  • Scientists also believe that fibre plays a role in lowering cholesterol in the body.
#3 - Things you need to know about garlic
  • When the level of cholesterol rises, it causes blockage in the arteries leading to the penis, thus not having enough rush of blood into it to cause an erection. Erection problem is normally a prerequisite to heart attack.
  • Garlic reduces the deposit of cholesterol in the arteries, thus allowing more blood flow to the penis to produce an erection.
  • Improve your erection by eating 4 cloves of raw garlic per day.
#4 - Things you need to know about vegetables
  • There are billions of bacteria living inside our colon, both good and bad ones.
  • Vegetables with prebiotics encourage the growth of good bacteria in our body. These good bacteria give us 10% of energy, extra vitamins and crucially to prevent an over-growth of bad bacteria, thus help protect our body against infection.
#5 - Things you need to know about our "ancestor's" diet
  • Eating like an ape for 12 days, i.e. eating raw fruit and vegetables only, can lower cholesterol level by 23%.

Choose your food wisely to stay healthy.

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