Saturday 20 July 2013

What Vehicle Dynamics Teaches Us About Success Principles

Vehicle dynamics teaching us about success principle???

Some of you might think that this sounds crazy, but let me show you how it makes sense  :)

This is the car that I'm going to drive around teaching people about success principles!

Lesson #1: A car needs an engine and fuel to move forward.
  • The engine is our HEART and the fuel is our DREAM. A heart without a dream is like a car with engine but no fuel, it can't move forward.
  • You need both your HEART and DREAM to move forward in life.

Lesson #2: A car needs to overcome inertia, friction and air drag to move forward.

  • Inertia is like your comfort zone, friction is like the challenges you face in life, and air drag is like the distractions that slow you down.
  • Your HEART and DREAM have to be stronger than the challenges and distractions in life to propel you out from your comfort zone.

Lesson #3: The brakes have to be released in order for the car to accelerate and move forward.
  • The brakes are like doubts which keep you stagnated. No matter how hard you press on the accelerator, as long as the brakes are on, you won't be able to move forward. Worse, you end up losing fuel and getting worn out and exhausted.
  • Imagine while you're driving, you found out that the hand brake was on and that caused your car to move slower than expected. Would you press harder on the accelerator? Or would you just release the hand brake?
  • You need to let go off your doubts in order to move forward.

Lesson #4: A car which carries lesser weight uses lesser fuel and moves forward faster.
  • The weight is like the mental and emotional baggage that you carry with you in life. A car with full load of passengers burns more fuel and takes a longer time to accelerate compared to a car with only a passenger.
  • Dropping these mental and emotional baggage would allow you to reach your goals easier and faster.

Lesson #5: Some cars move faster and consume lesser fuel, while others move slower despite consuming more fuel.
  • The difference here is effectiveness and efficiency. Some engines are more powerful and efficient than others. Some cars have more efficient transmission systems. Some cars are designed with better aerodynamic properties to reduce air drag.
  • You need to improve your skills, knowledge and attitude in order to work more effectively and efficiently towards your goals.

And here's the most important lesson of all...

Lesson #6: The driver needs to start the engine and press on the accelerator before the car can move.

  • You need to IGNITE your heart and dream, and take ACTION, before you can move forward!

Do these things make sense to you?  :)

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