Thursday 11 July 2013

Goals and Sense of Urgency

An engineer was on his way walking back home after staying back late at work. As he entered a dark path near the cemetery leading towards his house, he fell into a huge deep hole leftover by road maintenance workers.
Feeling creepy, he tried many many times to jump and climb out from the hole, but to no avail. There's no point shouting for help, he thought, as this area would normally be deserted during this hour of the night. So he decided to give up trying and wait till sunrise, where the road maintenance workers would be back.
Just as he was about to sit down to get some rest, a faint voice came from his side, saying "Hello..."
(Apparently another man had also fallen into the hole, tried and gave up climbing out from the hole as well.) 
Feeling terrified, he got up frantically and by the next moment, he's already climbed out from the hole running back home.

The moral of the story?

We need an URGENT goal/dream to spur and motivate us to reach for greater heights in life.

When the goal/dream is not urgent enough, procrastination would soon kick in and detract us from our plans.

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