Wednesday 24 July 2013

How to Make The Most of Your Position

Some of you might be dealing with Leadership Level 1 - Position, especially when you're appointed to a new position or role in your organization. Here are 3 important suggestions given in this book "How Successful People Lead" on how you can make the best of your position:

#1 - Stop relying on position to push people.
  • If you have to tell people that you're the leader, you're not.
  • Emphasize on collaboration (Let's work together) instead of using top-down approach (I'm over you).
  • Take initiative (I'll come to you) instead of separating yourself (Don't let people get close to you).
  • Adopt a service mindset (I'm here to help you) instead of selfishness (You're here to help me).
  • Encourage (I believe you can do this) instead of intimidate (Do this or else!).
#2 - Trade entitlement for movement.
  • Understand that leadership must be earned and established.
  • Forget about your leadership rights and focus on your responsibility to make a difference in the lives of the people you lead.
#3 - Leave your position and move toward your people.
  • Don't mistakenly believe that it is the responsibility of your people to come to you for what they need and want.
  • Stop being king of the hill, get down from your high place, and find your people.
  • Be willing to leave your comfort zone and take risks with the people you lead, learn who they are, find out what they need, and help them and the team win.

When we get ourselves uncomfortable in conquering new territories, we are actually expanding our comfort zone and enlarging ourselves to become a better leader.

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