Thursday 26 December 2013

Know Your Life Purpose in 5 Minutes

Have you ever figured out what is your life all about?

If you haven't, do take some time to watch this enlightening video.

How to Know Your Life Purpose in 5 Minutes: Adam Leipzig

Use these 5 questions to help you find your life purpose:
  • Who you are?
    • Refers to your name.
  • What you do?
    • Refers to what do you love to do. Eg. teach, cook, write, etc. Focus it down by asking yourself this one question - what is the one thing right now that you feel supremely qualified to teach other people?
  • Who you do it for?
    • Refers to people whom you think will benefit from what you do.
  • What those people want or need?
    • Refers to what those people want or need that you have, that they come to you so you can give them this thing.
  • How they change as a result?
    • Refers to how do they change or transform as a result of what you gave them.

This formulation shared by Adam Leipzig is so powerful because of all these 5 things that you need to know, to know what your life purpose is, only 2 of them are about yourself, while the other 3 are about other people. This formulation makes you outward-facing, leads you to think of the people you serve, rather than how you are served yourselves.

"Happy people make it a point to make other people happy and do things that make them feel well taken care of and secure. If you make other people happy, life teaches us we will be taken care of too." ~ Adam Leipzig

Here are some examples of a powerful elevator pitch given by Adam Leipzig that you can use when people ask you "What do you do?":
"I write books for children, so they can fall asleep at night, so they can have awesome dreams."
"I design apparels for men and women who need affordable choices, so they can look and feel their best."
"I train entrepreneurs and creative people to take decisive actions, so they can get their greatest work into the world."

Learn about your life purpose, and start your next day living purposefully  :)

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