Monday 9 December 2013

Everything Happens for A Reason

Nelson Mandela, or affectionately known as "Madiba" by the people of South Africa, was a heroic symbol for peace, diversity, equality, and forgiveness. One of the highlights of his life is his imprisonment for over 27 years prior to being released and eventually becoming the President of South Africa.

Question: Would Nelson Mandela be the legend that he is today if he were to escape the 27 years of imprisonment?

Answer: Probably no. Without his continuous fighting for peace and equality while being in prison for 27 years, there's nothing much he could teach the world about forgiveness and reconciliation.

Steve Jobs was a charismatic symbol for revolution and innovation in the computers and smartphones industry. One of the highlights in his life is his sacking from Apple in 1985 after a boardroom tussle, which led him to Pixar, and eventually returning to Apple to introduce the iconic series of "i" gadgets to the whole wide world.

Question: Would Steve Jobs be the legend that he is today if he were to escape the sacking from Apple in 1985?

Answer: Probably no.Without his continuous search and innovation in different fields of technology, there's nothing much he could bring together in terms of experience to form the ideas for the iconic "i" gadgets.

These are just two of the many role models in our life, whose life stories had inspired many people around the world. These stories all have common themes which teach us about the important principles of success. Among them are:

A belief that we are born into this world for a special purpose to serve the world we live in.

All golden opportunities and defining lessons in life often come to us in the form of long and arduous adversities.

It is only through perseverance and having a positive mental attitude that we can survive the adversities in life to be able to learn the important principles of success, see the golden opportunities that come in disguise, and realize our special purpose to serve the world we live in.

Everything happens for a reason, and it serves us well.

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