Thursday 5 December 2013

What Do You Know About Our Drinking Water?

The current floods in Kuantan got me thinking about one thing - where can people get clean source of water during such times. My search got me stumbled upon a very informative article which, I think, gives a thorough education on the water that we consume.


P/S: There are tons of articles available online, but why do I recommend this one? Because it's written in a very scientific and fact-based manner, and most importantly, appears to be objective and unbiased as it presented both the good and bad sides of the picture.

If you don't have the time to read through every detail, this is probably the only part which you must not miss:

(Excerpt from the article)


Please avoid: 
Trinity Water, as it is much too high in fluoride. 
All “drinking water” and “purified water” including Aqua Fina and Dasani. Do not be fooled by fancy sounding names or fancy bottling. These are just filtered tap water or water produced by reverse osmosis. 
Alkaline waters of all kinds. 
Distilled water, except perhaps during a toxic elimination or healing reaction. Too much distilled water will demineralize the body. 
Water from water machines found at supermarkets, for example. 
Water from water stores. This is always made with reverse osmosis, in my experience. 
Well water, in many cases. 
Tap water, unless filtered with carbon only. Tap water is not ideal, but it often will hydrate the body. If it is all you can afford, preferably at least use a Britta or other simple carbon filter and change the filter about once a month. 
Multiple stage filters in most cases. Beware that some multi-stage home and industrial water filters use reverse osmosis or other types of filtering methods that damage the water severely. Carbon is safe, however. 
Other “designer” waters. These include Penta Water, Vitamin Water, Smart Water and others.

On a side note, don't be fooled by advertiser's claim. Whenever in doubt, check the following websites: (look at "Drinking Water Treatment Units") (certification to verify claims) (certification to verify claims)

Water is good for you, if it's only good water.

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