Monday 23 December 2013

How to Achieve Anything that You Want in Life

Today I heard a funny but meaningful joke from a very successful entrepreneur from Indonesia. It went something like this:
There was a man whose son was still a bachelor. Wanting to secure his son a good future, one day, he went to see his son.
Man: Son, I have a good candidate for you as a wife.
Son: Thanks Dad, but I don't need that. I can settle my own future.
Man: But Son, this lady is the daughter of Bill Gates.
Son: Well, in that case, it's okay.
The next day, the man went to see Bill Gates.
Man: Hi Mr. Bill Gates, I have a good candidate for you as a son-in-law.
Bill Gates: I don't think my daughter needs that. She can settle her own future.
Man: But, this man is the Vice President of the World Bank.
Bill Gates: Well, in that case, it's okay.
Subsequently, the man went to see the President of the World Bank.
Man: Mr. President, I have a good candidate for your organization as a Vice President.
President: We already have a few Vice Presidents in our organization. I don't think we need another one.
Man: But Mr. President, this man is the son-in-law of Bill Gates.
President: Well, in that case, it's okay.

This joke may be as funny as it is, but it does shed a light on the 4 simple steps for achieving anything that we want in life.
Step 1 - Identify what we want.
Step 2 - Identify the people who can give us what we want.
Step 3 - Identify what are the things that we have, that can be offered for exchange with the people who can give us what we want.
Step 4 - Work out the deal.

Here's an example to help you understand better.
In the context of getting a job, first you identify the kind of job that you're looking for. Then, you search through advertisements looking for a company which is offering such a job position. Next, you prepare your resume listing down all the things that you can offer to the company. Finally, you go for an interview to work out the deal.

As simple as it sounds, but truly this is what it takes to achieve anything that we want life. Try it. All the best!

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