Wednesday 13 November 2013

Never Again Will I Pity or Belittle Myself

Last month I completed my practice of the ten scrolls in The Greatest Salesman in the World. It has helped me tremendously throughout the past 10 months of my journey towards my goal.

Thanks to my business partner who gave me this book "The Greatest Salesman in the World - Part 2", now I am going to practice "the Ten Vows of Success" for the coming 10 months of my journey towards my goal!

Here are some of the inspirational quotes from the First Vow of Success:
Never again will I pity or belittle myself.
How foolish I was when I stood in despair, by the side of the road, and envied the successful and the wealthy as they paraded by. Are they blessed with unique skills, rare intelligence, heroic courage, enduring ambition, and other outstanding qualities that I possess not? Have they been allotted more hours, each day, in which to perform their mighty tasks? Do they have hearts full of compassion and souls overflowing with love that are different from mine? No! God plays no favorites. We were all fashioned from the same clay.
Now I also know that the sadness and setbacks of my life are not unique to me. Even the wisest and most successful of our world suffer chapters of heartbreak and failure but they, unlike me, have learned that there is no peace without trouble, no rest without strain, no laughter without sorrow, no victory without struggle and that is the price we all pay for living. There was a time when I paid the price willingly and easily but constant disappointments and defeats first eroded my confidence and then my courage even as drops of water will, in time, destroy the strongest granite. All that is now behind me. No longer am I one of the living dead, remaining always in the shadows of others and hiding behind my sorry apologies and alibis while the years waste away.
Never again will I pity or belittle myself.
Success, when it comes overnight, often departs with the dawn. I am prepared, now, or a lifetime of happiness because I have finally recognized a powerful secret hidden in the years that treated me so harshly. Failure is, in a sense, the highway to success, inasmuch as every discovery we make of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true and every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterward carefully avoid. The path I walked, often dampened by my tears, has not been a wasted journey.
Never again will I pity or belittle myself.

I am on the right path to succeed! I'm going for GOLD!

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