Monday 18 November 2013

Mental Toughness

Imagine yourself riding on a motorcycle. The more you accelerate, the stronger you feel the air pressing on your body. And if you try to sit up straight and release both your hands with your motorcycle riding in high speed, you'll find yourself blown off your seat.

It's just the same in life. In order to achieve the things that we want in life, we need to move forward. As we move forward, just like the air pressing on our body, there will be lots of challenges coming our way. That is why we need to have mental toughness to survive the ordeal of moving forward in life.

This article here talks about how we can develop mental toughness.

"How to Develop Mental Toughness"

In summary, mental toughness comes from:
Self motivation - There's not much others can do to motivate us if we cannot even motivate ourselves. Self motivation comes from answering "Why you do what you do?"
Positive, realistic attitude - Focus on our own strengths, not on others'. Gain confidence and inspiration from them.
Emotional self control - Keeping check of our emotions allows us to keep on with the game plan we have in mind from the beginning.
Calmness under fire - Learning how to cope with pressure will enable us to grow and perform best under pressure.
Energetic and ready for action - "The pride you get from doing your best in less than optimal circumstances makes it that much easier to succeed in all circumstances."

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