Tuesday 19 November 2013

How Much Money Can You Handle?

"Imagine you're walking along the street with a five-year-old. You come across an ice cream store and go inside. You get the child a single scoop of ice cream on a cone because they don't have any cups. As the two of you walk outside, you notice the cone wobbling in the child's tiny hands and, all of a sudden, plop. The ice cream falls out of the cone onto the pavement.
The child begins to cry. So back you go into the store, and just as you're about to order for the second time, the child notices a colourful sign with a picture of the 'triple scooper' cone. The child points to the picture and excitedly screams, 'I want that one!'
Now here's the question. Being the kind, loving, and generous person that you are, would you go ahead and get this child the triple scooper? Your initial response might be 'sure'. However, when considering the question a little more deeply, most of our seminar participants respond, 'No'. Because why would you want to set the child up to fail? The child couldn't even handle a single scoop, how could the child possibly handle a triple scoop?"
~ T. Harv Eker, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" 

If you were to play the role of the God of Prosperity, and your job is to give money and prosperity to those who deserve it, would you give it to an inexperienced "five-year-old child" who would most likely mismanage and waste it? Or would you rather give it to an experienced "grown up" who would most likely make good use of it?

I'm sure you would give it to the experienced "grown up".

And that's the point!

Life works in exactly the same way. When we have proven through obstacles that we can handle success, success will come naturally into our life. If success comes prematurely, sooner or later it will "fall off from our cone" in our wobbling hands.
"Until you show you can handle what you've got, you won't get any more." ~ T. Harv Eker

If you want success, take action and start growing up!

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