Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Are You An Excellent Receiver?

To become wealthy, you need to make money; to make money, you need to receive money from others.
Which means, if you want to be wealthy, you need to be an excellent receiver of money.

Some people complain of being poor, and they despise those who make lots of money for being greedy.

Some people choose to stay poor, because they believe money will make them evil.

If you're one of those people, or you happen to know of people who have such thoughts, you may want to look into these alternative references. Here are some important points taken from this book:

Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.
People are challenged by receiving for several reasons. First, many people feel unworthy or undeserving due to the conditioning of their social environment. Second, most people bought into the adage "It's better to give than to receive."
For most people, the conditioning of punishment is so ingrained that, because there's no one around to punish them, they when make mistake or just aren't perfect, they subconsciously punish themselves. When they were young, the punishment might have come in the form of "You were bad, so no candy." Today, however, it could take the form of "You were bad, so no money."
What's better, hot or cold, big or small, left or right, in or out? Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. Whoever decided that it is better to give than to receive was simply bad at math. For every giver there must be a receiver, for every receiver there must be a giver. How could you give if there weren't someone there to receive?
How does it feel to give? Wonderful and fulfilling. Conversely, how does it feel when you want to give and the other person isn't willing to receive? Terrible. If you are not willing to receive, then you are "ripping off" those who want to give to you.
If you're not willing to receive your share, it will go to someone else who is. That's one of the reasons the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Not because they're any more worthy, but because they are willing to receive while most poor people are not.
Rich people work hard and believe it's perfectly appropriate to be well rewarded for their efforts and the value they provide for others. Poor people work hard, but due to their feeling of unworthiness, they believe that it is inappropriate for them to be well rewarded for their efforts and the value they provide.
Get really rich and then help people who don't have the opportunity you did. That makes a lot more sense than being broke and helping no one.
Money will only make you more of what you already are. If you're mean, money will afford you the opportunity to be meaner. If you're kind, money will afford you the opportunity to be kinder. If you're a jerk at heart, with money you can be jerkier. If you're generous, more money will simply allow you to be more generous.
How you do anything is how you do everything. If you're a poor receiver, you're a poor receiver in all areas. When you become an excellent receiver, you'll become an excellent receiver everywhere.

If you're not good at receiving, don't even dare think of becoming good at giving, because you have nothing much else to give.

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