Wednesday 9 October 2013

Crab Bucket

Some time ago I wrote an article titled "A Bunch of Crabs". Back then I couldn't find a term to describe the situation.

Coincidentally, today I found it on Urban Dictionary. It's called "Crab Bucket"

Here are excerpts taken from Urban Dictionary:
#1 - A crab bucket is what it is: crabs in a bucket. However, what happens in the bucket full of crabs is what makes it a famous saying.
When a single crab is put into a lidless bucket, they surely can and will escape. However, when more than one share a bucket, none can get out. If one crab elevates themselves above all, the others will grab this crab and drag them back down to share the mutual fate of the rest of the group.
Crab bucket syndrome is often used to describe social situations where one person is trying to better themselves and others in the community attempt to pull them back down.
#2 - When a crab is put into a bucket, it will try to escape. As soon as another crab is placed into the bucket, they will start fighting one another and get so caught up in it that they forget about escaping. Basically, to get caught in the 'crab bucket' is to be working hard on something, then one person gets distracted and starts watching YouTube or something stupid, and then another person starts, and then by the end of it, everyone that was working is now distracted and nothing gets done.

Can you identify who are the "crabs" in your life?

When you regard someone as your "good friend"...
Are they the ones who encourage you and help keep you focus on achieving that goal?
Or are they the ones who distract and slow you down from achieving that goal?
 To me, a real good friend is one who says to me:
"You can do it!"
"Hey, stay focus, buck it up!"
While a real good "crab" is one who says to me:
"This guy has gone crazy about his goals and forgotten about us friends."
"Hey, come join the fun! Why work so hard? Relax, take a break, have a Kit Kat!"
My friendly advice:
Stay away from the crabs! They are robbing you, your family and your loved ones of your well-deserved success!

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