Monday 28 October 2013

The Principle of the Path

Here's an awesome principle called the "Principle of the Path" which many people understood, but oftenly being taken for granted when it comes to application in real life.

The Principle of the Path by Andy Stanley

If you want to stay fit (intention), but you're not consistently exercising (direction/path), then you're not going to be fit (destination).

If your ambition is to be a doctor (intention), but you're enrolled in a law school (direction/path), no matter how hard you studied in school, you'll never get to be a doctor (destination).

If your goal is to achieve financial freedom (intention), but your attention is focused on your job (direction/path), no matter how much time and hard work you put into your job, you'll never be financially free (destination).

"Direction, not intention, determines our destination." 
~ Andy Stanley

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