Monday 19 August 2013

Using the Pinnacle to Do Something Greater Than Yourself

When you reach Level 5 in leadership, instead of basking in the glory and respect you earn from your team members, you should make good use of your position at the Pinnacle as platform to do something greater than yourself. Here are some suggestions outlined in the book:

#1 - Make room for others at the top

  • Every time you develop good leaders, they gather more good people to them.
  • As a result, the organization grows and it requires even more leaders.
  • This cycle of expansion propels the organization forward.
#2 - Continually mentor potential Level 5 leaders
  • Leaders with high potential will only follow leaders who are ahead of them in terms of ability, experience, or both.
  • If you don't dedicate time mentoring them, they will go elsewhere to find a Level 5 leader who is willing to mentor them.
#3 - Create an inner circle that will keep you grounded
  • A good inner circle can help Level 5 leaders to avoid the pitfall of swelling ego and arrogance.
  • A good inner circle tells the leader the truth about themselves - not what the leader wants to hear, but what the leader needs to hear.
#4 - Do things for the organization that only Level 5 leaders can do
  • Level 5 leaders have a platform from which they can lead and persuade. Leverage it to add value to others.
#5 - Plan for your succession
  • The number one problem in organizations led by Level 5 leaders is that they stay too long.
  • Plan to hand off the baton of leadership when you are still running at your peak, not when you have begun to slow down.
  • Plan your succession and leave before you feel you have to.
#6 - Leave a positive legacy
  • Recognize that what you do daily, over time, would become your legacy.
  • Decide what you want your legacy to be.
  • Understand that your legacy is the sum of your whole life, not just snippets.

There are not many people who are gifted to become a Level 5 leader. If you happen to be among the gifted ones, be sure to make good use of your special gift to create a lasting legacy and make the world a better place with good leaders surrounding people.

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