Tuesday 13 August 2013

How to Make the Most of Production in Leadership

Leading people is not just about having a position in an organization or cozying around with your team. A good leader would also strive to deliver results while maintaining healthy relationship with his team. If you ever have the opportunity to lead your team and get to Level 3 together, here are some things which you can do to make the most of it:

#1 - Understand how your personal gifts contribute to the vision
  • How your gifts and abilities can be used proactively to further the vision of the organization.
  • Know where every person adds value, define each team member's area of contribution and figure out how they can work together to make the team most effective.
  • It starts from you - if you want your team to be good at what they do, you need to be good at what you do.
#2 - Cast vision for what needs to be accomplished
  • Fuzzy communication leads to unclear direction, which produces sloppy execution.
  • Productive leaders create a clear link between the vision of the organization and the everyday production of the team.
  • Help people define the success of the vision.
  • Help people to commit to the success of the vision.
  • Help people experience success.
#3 - Begin to develop your people into a team
  • Team members should complement one another.
  • Team members should understand their mission.
  • Team members should receive feedback about their performance.
  • Team members should work in an environment conducive to growth and inspiration.
#4 - Prioritize the things that yield high return
  • Learn not to only get a lot done, but also get a lot of the right things done.
  • Stay in your areas of strength (where your efforts yield the highest return) and out of areas of weakness (where it cripples you).
  • Try to hire, train and position people in such a way that
    • 80% of the time they work in their strength zone.
    • 15% of the time they work in their learning zone.
    • 5% of the time they work outside their strength zone.
    • 0% of the time they work in their weakness zone.
#5 - Be willing and ready to be a change agent
  • To be a effective change agent, find common ground between you and your team, instead of pointing out differences between you and them and convince them to change.
  • Look for common ground in vision, values, relationships, attitude, communication.
#6 - Never lose sight of the fact that results are your goal
  • Know that results always matter, no matter what the situation is.
  • Be accountable for your productivity no matter what.

Practice these and lead your team towards increasing productivity of your organization!

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