Thursday 28 February 2013


Psychologist say that 90% of our behaviour is habitual. The way we think and the things that we do over a period of time will develop into our habits, and subsequently, these habits will determine how well every area of our life works. In other words, whatever habits we currently have established are producing our current level of results. If we want to create higher levels of success, we will have to drop some of our old habits and replace them with more productive habits.

Good or bad, habits always deliver results.

"Principle #23 - Develop Four New Success Habits A Year"

Think about this, if we apply this principle over a 5-year period, we would have 20 new success habits that could bring us the level of success and achievement that we desire.
  • Start by listing four new habits you would like to establish in the next year.
  • Work on one new habit every quarter.
  • Research shows that if you repeat a behaviour for 13 weeks, it will develop into a habit for life.
  • One powerful technique is to partner up with someone, keep score and hold each other accountable. This will keep you right on track.
"In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Thus, the first law I will obey, which preceedeth all others is - I will form good habits and become their slaves." ~ Og Mandino

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