Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Blinded by Ego

I used to be a curious child. I always wondered how things work. I would always ask her questions.
But these were the usual answers that I would get:
"I'm busy. Go ask someone else."
"If you really want to know, go find out yourself."
So I grew up learning how to find the answers to my questions. And I am forever grateful for this.

I used to be a careless child. Sometimes when I made mistakes, she would yell at me:
"Such a simple thing, and yet you get it wrong. Stupid!"
"Where is your brain?"
So I grew up learning how to be more thoughtful and attentive. And I am forever grateful for this.

I used to be a timid and over-protected child. When I was confronting my fears, she would say these to me:
"At your age, your cousins were already good at socializing with adults and strangers."
"Look at how independent your cousins are."
So I grew up learning how to seek inspiration to motivate myself. And I am forever grateful for this.

Nowadays, sometimes I would still hear yellings from her, but the context has changed:
"All of you are useless. I just wanted to know how to do this but none of you can teach me."
"Just do it for me. I'm lazy to read the manuals. Don't ask me to think."
"You have wings now. Everything you say is right."

As much as being thankful for her upbringing, I'm also saddened and feeling helpless for her "blindness" which has been caused by years of ego and self-ignorance.

Just when you think you're at the top of the league or at the forefront of technology, do remember that time flies and one day you'll be back among the chasing pack if you don't stay humble and diligently upgrade yourself.

When your ego swells so huge inside your head, it blocks you from seeing and thinking ahead clearly.

When your glass is full, whatever being poured into it will just spill out.

Watch your ego.

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