Wednesday 27 February 2013

Accomplish or Do Not Begin

Have you ever felt that your life keeps getting heavier and heavier with every new task that you take up? One possible reason is that you have been carrying some "old baggages" together with you.

This can be explained with "Principle #22 - Clean Up Your Messes and Your Incompleteness":

The Cycle of Completion above shows the six steps which are required to succeed at anything, to get a desired result, to finish. Yet how many of us never complete? We somehow would tend to leave one last thing undone in our way towards the finishing stage. When you don't complete the past, you can't be free to fully embrace the present.

"If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?" ~ Laurence J. Peter

Getting into completion consciousness, do you agree that "20 things completed have more power than 50 things half completed"?

One way to keep us in completion consciousness is to apply the "Four D's of Completion":
  • Do it - if you can take care of it within 10 minutes, do it immediately.
  • Delegate it - if you can't do it yourself or don't want to take the time, delegate it to someone you trust to accomplish the task.
  • Delay it - if you have to take care of it yourself, but know it will take longer, delay it by filing it in a folder of things to do later.
  • Dump it - if you have decided that you'll never going to do anything with it, then dump it.
By driving things to completion, you'll be free of the mental burden of having to deal with clutters, and thus freeing up attention units to take up something new.

Accomplish or do not begin. It's time for some "housekeeping"!

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