Thursday, 17 January 2013

LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN...Don't Be as Dumb as an Elephant!

Principle #10 - Release the Brakes
Have you ever been driving your car and suddenly realized you had left the emergency brake on? Did you push down harder on the gas to overcome the drag of the brake? No, of course not. You simply released the brake...and with no extra effort you started to go faster.
Do you drive through life with your psychological emergency brake on?

When you try to achieve your goals, do you always allow negative images and preprogrammed comfort zones cancel out your good intentions?

Isn't it easier to "release the brakes" by letting go of and replacing your limiting self-beliefs and changing your self image?

A baby elephant is trained at birth to be confined to a very small space. Its trainer will tie its leg with a rope to a wooden post planted deep in the ground. This confines the baby elephant to an area determined by the length of the rope - the elephant's comfort zone. Though the baby elephant will initially try to break the rope, the rope is too strong, and so the baby elephant learns that it can't break the rope. It learns that it has to stay in the area defined by the length of the rope.
When the elephant grows up into a 5-ton colossus that could easily break the same rope, it doesn't even try because it learned as a baby that it couldn't break the rope. In this way, the largest elephant can be confined by the puniest little rope.
Perhaps this also describes you - still trapped in a comfort zone by something as puny as the small rope and stake that controls the elephant, except your rope is made up of the limiting beliefs and images that you received and took on when you were young. If this describes you, the good news is that you can change your comfort zone.
One way is to start using affirmations and positive self talk. First, create a simple sentence such as this:
I am enjoying living in my own beautiful RM600,000 property in Penang or somewhere better on May 2014.
How to use affirmation?
  1. Read your affirmation every day.
  2. Close your eyes and visualize yourself as being described.
  3. Focus on what you see, what you hear, and what you feel in your visualization.
  4. Say your affirmation again.
  5. Repeat the process with the next affirmation.

Don't be as dumb as an elephant. Try this. What if it works?  :)

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