Saturday 12 January 2013

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

When things go bad, do you always feel that the whole world is out to get you?

Having this thought doesn't really help you to get out of a bad situation. Instead, it makes you feel worse and keeps you trapped in an endless loop of self pity.

Are you tired of feeling sick and tired for being sick and tired?

For a change, you may want to try what successful people normally do to get themselves out of the trap of self pity.

Principle #6 - Become an Inverse Paranoid
"My earliest mentor, W. Clement Stone, was once described as an inverse paranoid. Instead of believing the world was plotting to do him harm, he chose to believe the world was plotting to do him good. Instead of seeing every difficult or challenging event as negative, he saw it for what it could be - something that was meant to enrich him, empower him, or advance his causes." ~ Jack Canfield

After reading this chapter, I started to realise that every setback that I face is a reminder that I haven't learned enough of the lessons necessary to help me achieve my goals and dreams in life. It was because I had not mastered by own thinking and emotions that I was denied success. It was because I had not learned enough about humility that I was denied glory. Rather than blaming every setback on unfairness or bad luck, I have learned to outgrow these challenges to become a better person, and so deserve success.
"Every negative event contains within it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." ~ Napoleon Hill
"When life hands you a lemon, squeeze it and make lemonade." ~ W. Clement Stone

I believe the world is plotting to do me good today. I can't wait to see what it is.  :)

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