Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Getting Started

Principle #8 - Chunk It Down

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." ~ Mark Twain
Most of the times, after we have set our biggest life goals which seem so overwhelming, we would get so paralysed that we don't know where to start. Thus, it helps a lot if we could chunk it down into a series of small, achievable tasks, and accomplishing them one at a time until we reach the ultimate goal eventually.

In this chapter, Jack Canfield shared a powerful tool known as "Mind Mapping" - a simple but powerful process for creating a detailed to-do list  for achieving our goal.
  1. Center circle:
    • In the center circle, write down your stated goal.
  2. Outside circles:
    • Divide the goal into the major categories of tasks.
  3. Spokes:
    • For each spoke radiating outward from each mini-circle, write down every single step you'll need to take.
Once you've complete the mind map, convert all the to-do items into daily action items, and set a completion date for each one.

It helps to also plan your day the night before, because:
  1. If you plan your day the night before, your subconscious mind will work on these tasks all night long. It will find creative ways to solve the problem, and send out waves of energy to attract the right people and resources to you.
  2. By creating your to-do list the night before, you can immediately start your day running instead of wasting our time with planning.
Hope these tips work wonders for you.  :)

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