Tuesday 11 February 2014

Shocking Truth on Wealth Inequality

Have you ever calculated your networth?

My mentor always say that "whatever gets measured, gets improved". In other words, if you have never calculated your networth, your networth will never get improved.

This is a shocking revelation of the wealth inequality in America.

Wealth Inequality in America

Despite the statistics showing only those in America, yet I believe it is pretty much the same for our country as well. And I believe that the fundamental cause of wealth inequality around the world is down to these 3 things:
  1. Wrong attitude
  2. Wrong education
  3. Wrong vehicle
"Most people are busy and working very hard to climb up the ladder, but not knowing that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall," another of my mentor's favourite quote.

As the video clip has shown, the middle-income group is fast depleting in numbers. Are you prepared to be wiped out together with your indulgence and ignorance? Or are you going to take action to right the above wrongs?

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