Wednesday 3 April 2013

Why Videos Go Viral?

Some of you may be wondering why videos like "Gangnam Style" could have such huge followings on the internet.

Kevin Allocca: Why videos go viral

In this funny video, Youtube's trend manager Kevin Allocca talks about the things that make videos go viral:
  1. Tastemakers
    • Tastemakers like Jimmy Kimmel introduces us to new and interesting things and bring them to a larger audience.
  2. Participation
    • Unlike the one way entertainment of the 20th century, this community participation is how we become a part of the phenomenon, either by spreading it or doing something new with it. We don't just enjoy now, we participate.
  3. Unexpectedness
    • In a world of over two days of video getting uploaded every minute, only that which is truly unique and unexpected can stand out the way these things had.
Work on having these thing, and you could be the next big thing on Youtube  :)

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