Wednesday 17 April 2013

Are We In Control of Our Decisions?

Watching this interesting video by Dan Ariely really spooked me.

Dan Ariely asks, Are we in control of our decisions?

This reminds me of two specific instances which I had come across in real life, where decisions have been "pre-determined" for us.

Look at the case of Air Asia.

The "checked baggage" option has been "pre-selected" for you.

The "travel insurance" option has been "pre-checked" for you.
(And note the "lighter" font colour used for the notification.)

Of course I wouldn't say these companies are "conning" people.

But, by applying some simple tweaks as mentioned by Dan Ariely in this video, these companies could increase their revenues by leaps and bounds.

The question for you is - are you in control of your decisions?

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