Wednesday 3 April 2013

Telling Kids Lies

"You can do anything you want to do."
"You are the best."
"You are a winner, no matter what."
Are these the things that you normally tell your kids?

We tell these to kids with the intention of building up their self-belief and self-esteem, but seriously, do you really believe they can do anything they want to do, they are the best, they are a winner no matter what?

In this article "More Lies", Tim Elmore highlights his concern that some of the words we say to kids may be damaging to them instead.

"We believe its time to speak the truth to this emerging generation. Instead of lies that boost a false sense of self-esteem, let’s cultivate a solid, healthy esteem in them, by building the following ingredients in their character." ~ Tim Elmore
Everyone deserves a chance to fall and learn how to get back on their feet. Everyone deserves to go through challenges in life to help them seek their true identity, strengths and weaknesses. Let's not muddify the waters and paint a fake vision in these young minds.

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